The Young Generation (YG) strives to organize an excursion to nuclear facilities in Europe once a year. Since the visit of such plants practically complements and expands the theoretically acquired knowledge, they are an instructive and interesting thing for all participants. In addition, they provide an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences with YGs from other countries. In principle, the excursions are intended for members of the Young Generation. However, if there is enough space, there is also the possibility for non-members to participate. In order to keep the expenses for the (mostly student) members low, all individuals or institutions who would like to support or sponsor excursions are welcome. We are grateful for any support. If you are interested, please contact the chairman of the YG. Reports about the last excursions can be found here.
As a full member of the Austrian Nuclear Society one is automatically a member of the YG up to a age limit of approximately 37 years. For young people who are interested in nuclear technology and are considering a possible membership in the ÖKTG, there is the non-binding offer to participate in one of our monthly nuclear technology regulars’ tables. There you have the possibility to get in contact with members of the YG and to inform yourself about the Austrian Nuclear Society. The exact dates of the regulars’ tables can be found in the calendar of events. As opposed to regular members, there is a reduced annual membership fee of 15€ for students. Membership can be applied for by filling out the application form. If you are interested, please contact the secretary of the ÖKTG.
If you want to support the YG of the Austrian Nuclear Society, you are welcome to do so on the following account:
Austrian Nuclear Society
Bank Austria
IBAN: AT52 1100 0005 1205 5500, BIC: BKAUATWW